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I was last inspected by Ofsted in June 2015 and found to be "Outstanding" in all areas.


Here are some of the findings regarding the quality and standards of the early years provision:


"Children are relaxed and extremely happy in the care of this enthusiastic childminder. She provides high-quality learning experiences so that children thrive and make exceptional progress."


"The childminder is exceptionally patient and calm, giving children lots of time to develop their confidence and independence"


"The childminder has a thorough understanding of the Early Years Foundation Stage."


To view the report in full, click on the link

Since the Ofsted report, I have moved to a large house with dedicated playroom, a spacious kitchen for meals and messy play and a large  garden for outdoor games, gardening and a playhouse. 

Childminder Maidenhead
Childminder Maidenhead
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